LINX® Reflux Management System
LINX® is designed to augment the weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to help prevent reflux
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a chronic, often progressive disease caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES) that allows acid and bile to reflux, or flow back, from the stomach into the esophagus.
The LES is a muscle at the junction of the esophagus and stomach that functions as the body’s natural barrier to reflux. The LES acts like a valve, allowing food and liquid to pass through to the stomach. Normally, the LES resists opening to gastric pressures to prevent reflux. In people with GERD, the LES is weak and allows acid and bile to reflux from the stomach into the esophagus, often causing injury to the lining of the esophagus and symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation, sore throat and cough (see Figure 1).
LINX® is a small, flexible band of magnets enclosed titanium beads. The beads are connected by titanium wires. The magnetic attraction between the beads is designed to help keep the weak LES closed to prevent reflux (see Figure 2). Swallowing forces temporarily break the magnetic bond, allowing food and liquid to pass into the stomach. Magnetic attraction closes the LES after swallowing to reinforce the body’s natural barrier to reflux.

How is LINX® Implanted?
LINX® is placed around the esophagus just above the stomach using a common, minimally invasive, surgical technique called laparoscopy. Patients are placed under general anesthesia during the procedure, which is generally completed in less than one hour. Once implanted, the device will begin working immediately.
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How is LINX Implanted?
LINX® is implanted using a surgical technique called laparoscopy. This technique uses small incisions in the abdominal wall to access the area around the esophagus where the device will be placed.
When Can I Start Eating Normally Again?
Patients are encouraged to return to a normal diet as quickly as tolerated. This helps the body adapt to LINX®.
When Can I Return to Normal Physical Activities?
Patients are generally able to return to non-strenuous activity within a couple of days.
Will I Be Able To Belch or Vomit With LINX?
Patients who have received LINX® have reported the ability to belch and vomit.
How Long Will LINX Last?
Linx is designed to be lifelong implant. The cases and wires are constructed of titanium, which has a long history of use in permanent medical implants. Linx uses permanent magnets that are designed not to wear out.
Can I Go Through Airport Security?
LINX® should not affect airport security. All patients will be provided with an implant card to have available in the event an issue arises.
Will I Be Able to Feel LINX After It Has Been Implated?
A small number of patients have reported sensations in the area of LINX®. It is not known if this is the device or the result of surgery in the area. These sensations have gone away over time.
Can I have An MRI?
There are two versions of the LINX device. One is safe in MRI scanning machines up to 0.7T, the other is safe to 1.5T. You should discuss the MRI scanning options with your doctor prior to deciding on treatment with LINX®.
How Much Does the LINX Procedure Cost?
Costs will vary by region and physician. Affordable payment options may be available. Talk to your doctor about payment and financing options.